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Dr. Kent has practiced in the field of occupational therapy since 2007. She practiced as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant for five years while working to obtain her graduate degree. Dr. Kent’s practice area of emphasis has been in pediatrics, working with children aged birth through 21 years old in early intervention, preschool and school-based therapy settings. Dr. Kent is experienced in working with local school districts to develop multi-tiered systems of support (formerly known as Response to Intervention) for implementing occupational therapy within general education to promote developmentally appropriate skill acquisition in the areas of motor, cognition and social-emotional regulation, all necessary for academic success. Dr. Kent has also provided consultant services for a therapeutic day-school supporting children with behavioral health needs, where she designed/created a multi-sensory environment (MSE) and trained faculty/staff on implementation of sensory-based programming.
Dr. Kent has been with St. Bonaventure University’s MSOT program since 2021, as a founding faculty member. She has worked closely with faculty and university leadership within the DePerro School of Health Professions to develop the curriculum and achieve full accreditation status in Spring 2023. Dr. Kent is currently the program director, providing oversight to the MSOT program on aspects of faculty and students meeting and exceeding accreditation requirements in reaching their fullest potential as an entry-level occupational therapist.
Additionally, Dr. Kent leads the DePerro School of Health Professions Interprofessional Education Committee, which designs opportunities for health profession students to learn with and from each other, to provide high quality of care and collaborate as a member of the health care team. Dr. Kent enjoys collaborating with other schools and programs across the university, sharing the unique value of occupational therapy to all ages and populations! Examples of these partnerships include working with the Psychology and Social Work Programs in the School of Arts and Sciences, and with the Education and Counseling Programs in the School of Education.
I believe that higher education institutions have the unique opportunity to promote social responsibility in humanity. By creating a learning environment that allows for the growth of not only intellect, but also resiliency, humility, and acceptance, graduates can extend this into the future of society.
Staying true to the nature of the occupational therapy profession, I believe each learner comes with their own unique personal experiences, backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs that influence their learning style. My teaching philosophy is based on the idea that we need to meet students where they are at, engage them in a meaningful way and through a variety of experiences. I will strive to create relationships with each student that help me understand them within and outside the classroom. My role is to assist students in realizing their own potential by capitalizing on their strengths and setting targets that meet their needs.
Teaching and learning should happen through universally designed instruction to allow access to content for all students, regardless of learning styles and abilities. The department of occupational therapy is committed to utilizing the iBONA initiative with apple teacher certification and use of iPads through our entire program. The built-in accessibility features of apple products align well with the concept of universal design, but also promote inclusivity and interactive learning opportunities.
The classroom should be a place to gain theory and background knowledge, but we need to create experiences through service and real-life engagement that build authentic learning and practice. Every experience, whether good or bad, creates an opportunity for learning. I believe in being present in the moment and reflecting on the past. The knowledge and skills needed for receiving course credits can be acquired through reading and inquiry but are best accompanied by the life experiences that will inform practice and the future of occupational therapy.